Victory Gardens go back to WWI and WWII when food was being rationed for civilians so the Military could be fed. The government started a campaign that encouraged everyone to plant a “Victory Garden” to help with the war effort. Many resources claim this was just propaganda and gardens were actually needed because food was scare and money was tight.

My Grandparents grew up during this time and were shaped by knowing that having a productive garden made for a life that went beyond just surviving. They continued this practice until they passed away, although it was less for patriotic reasons and more for self-sustainability and happiness.

Some of my happiest childhood memories are times I spent with my grandparents. I know that anything my Grandad did, I wanted to do, too. I drank black coffee at his work because he did. I helped pull weeds because he was. I pushed the dog out of his lap because that was my spot (I got fussed at for that stunt). I rode beside him in the car and read every single road sign because I thought I was helping (speed limit 55, no turn on red, bridge ices before road). Maybe growing things is in my DNA, or maybe a garden reminds me of those I love. I’m sure Victory Gardens reap more than just produce and I’m excited to share in your Victory Garden journey and look forward to grounding our souls with soil!

Happy Planting!

The Victory Garden Gal,